Additional Resources

Medical Health Resources in Saugeen Shores

Saugeen Shores does not have a walk in clinic. However, you do have a few options available for you to access, if needed.

Payment/Billing/Scheduling Appointments at Maple Shores Health Centre

We continue to offer contactless payment options by way of tap or you may also put a credit card on file, for your convenience. We also accept cash or cheque if required of if this is your preferred method of payment. You also have the option to pay online.  For your convenience and at your request we can email your receipt to you. If you would like a paper copy of your invoice, please ask and our administration will be happy to provide this for you.

Please continue to check our website, FB and Instagram for future updates.

If you have any questions regarding the services we offer or you would like to book an appointment with one of our team members, please visit our website or contact the office at 519-832-4500.